Why are electric bikes so expensive?

The cost of electric bikes, like any other product, ranges from low to higher. The price of the e-bike depends on the individual parts that make up the bike: the battery, the battery charger, the motor, the motor controller, and other components.

Also, because they are electric, e-bikes need to have good waterproofing.

Finding the best model is worth getting to know each model better and doing some analysis. Then you’ll better understand why are electric bikes so expensive.

EveryBody eBikes Blog Why are electric bikes so expensive

What is the difference between budget and expensive electric bikes?

As a rule, the electric bikes’ cost depends on the quality of materials that are used in each part.

It matters what motor and battery the e-bike is equipped with, what wheels it has, its weight, and so on.

If you want every penny invested in buying a bike to pay off, then you need to analyze the comparison of budget and expensive models.

When we talk about the high price tag of e-bikes, in this case, it is impossible to overestimate the cost of transportation.

There are electric bikes in the budget category, which can be purchased for $ 500, but the cost of other electric bikes can triple.

In this case, for some people, this price will be normal, and for others, it will not.

Thus, the price tag on the middle segment e-bikes can be up to $ 3,000. At the same time, any bike, whose price is higher than $ 1000, is already automatically a middle-class e-bike.

When we say about the high-end segment, there are almost no limits.

Any e-bike with a price above the $3,000 mark is already in the high-end segment.

The division of electric bikes by price segment:

1. The category is below $1000.

These are low-budget traditional bikes. They are ideal for not particularly frequent rides and long rides.

2. Category between $1,000 and $3,000.

Mid-range electric bikes. A great solution for regular use. Suitable for commuting and walking.

3. Category above $3,000.

These are e-bike models designed for specialized use. For example, mountain e-bikes. They are ideal for rides on terrain, long trips, and other needs, such as hauling cargo.

Pricing is shaped not only by the specifics of the ride but also by what parts are used in a particular e-bike.

Classification of prices for each part

Now that you have an idea of the price categories of electric bikes, you can discuss the cost of each part.

Electric bike battery                                           

Electric bikes cannot function without e-bike batteries. Arguably, this particular part is the most expensive. Most e-bikes have lithium-ion batteries, as they are the most efficient. Such electric bike batteries are more expensive components of electric bikes, but their life is much longer.

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The battery capacity and brand of the manufacturer are taken into consideration when forming the cost of the e-bike. If the segment of the e-bike is budgeted, then the price tag will not be higher than $18.

The real costs of an e-bike battery are found in our article: How much does an electric bike battery cost?

Remember that the brand name greatly affects the cost.

So, for example, a battery brand Samsung will cost you more than the electric bicycle battery of a more budget brand.

However, the e-bike battery capacity of these electric bikes will be the same.

Electric motor

Another important detail of the e-bikes – is the motor. The price of this element is influenced by the power indicators.

Electric mountain bike motors comparison d1873ca

Of course, a bike with a powerful electric motor will cost a lot of money and vice versa. It is the power that affects the quality and speed.

But here also has a significant impact on brand e-bike manufacturers. If this is the Chinese market, then the price tag will be average. Devices of reputable brands will cost significantly more. The price tag of such an e-bike motor starts at $150.

Three different groups of bike motors

Not all e-bike motors are the same. They are classified into three categories: Mid Drive, Hub Direct, and Hub Geared.

Let’s look at each of them separately:

Mid Drive motors

Such e-bike motors are mounted in the middle of the bicycle frame. In such a motor, the electric motor generates torque, which drives the shaft with the chain sprocket into motion.

The medium-drive e-bike motor is complicated because it is equipped with many parts.

Such an electric bike must also have reliable chains because they are the ones that bear a significant load. This is ideal for mountain bikes. Such e-bikes are designed to tackle steep slopes, using the bike’s gear system. For low-speed slopes, a reduction gear is used.

Hub Direct

This e-bike motor has a simpler mechanism. They function in the front or rear hub and are almost devoid of moving parts because the motor simply moves about the axle.

These types of motors are also capable of generating electrical energy during braking. But the amount of this electrical energy while riding is very minimal.

Hub Geared

Gearmotors use gears to reduce the number of revolutions and increase torque.

This type of motor rotates freely. A bike with a hub reducer looks more like a traditional bicycle.

The use of bike gears is more complicated, which affects the price of the product. However, the high cost is fully justified.

The use of gears usually means more performance. Similar to using gears on traditional bikes, using gears on an electric bike means using less battery power.

A cheap gearless hub motor can be less productive. Such motors limit range and efficiency and at the same time increase the motor’s service life.



The frame occupies a solid part of the cost in the formation of the price tag of the e-bike. Technically, this is the part that combines all the main and additional parts of the electric bicycle.

The greater the weight of the frame, the lower its quality. For example, oversized frames are often brittle and break quickly. Lighter frames are usually made of metal alloys, which are designed to last longer.

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There are frames whose price tag ranges from $100 to $200. They are usually made of aluminum or iron.

The price tag for higher quality, more durable frames can range from $500 to $900. You will find that these products quite often consist of high-quality titanium and carbon.


The overall price tag on electric bikes is also shaped by the electronic parts built into the e-bike. Circuit breakers, LCD screens, and wires are key elements of e-bike electronics.

Budget electrical wiring can cost as much as 40 cents. But reliable copper wires cost about $5. Auto switches can cost up to $25, but simple budget ones cost no more than $11.

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The cost of LCD screens varies. Some models can be purchased for $13 to $24, and there are more expensive items that range in price from $45 to $65.


Acting as one of the cheapest parts of the electric bicycle, for very understandable reasons, the brakes are no less important than everything else.

Here it is important to pay attention to the materials from which they are made.

Budget models use poor-quality plastic levers, rotors, and pads that are not distinguished by durability. As a rule, their price is not higher than 80 cents.

Using low-quality brakes can cost about $9. Good brakes cost about $25.


Materials, power, and the reputation of the manufacturer affect the price tag of electric bicycle wheels.

If the tires are made in America, they will usually be more expensive.

A standard wheel costs about $4.

Higher-quality wheels will cost about three times as much. Brands that prioritize quality usually spend about $40 to make one wheel.  

Electric bikes are not widespread

Although the cost of the components of electric bikes greatly affects their price, another significant factor is that they are not popular.

And this is one of the answers to such a popular question, why are e-bikes so expensive?

The fact is that only in recent years has the demand for electric bikes begun to grow.

Nevertheless, they can still be categorized as a niche market.

This means that manufacturers want a higher price, which raises costs significantly.

Many manufacturers do not wholesale, which also affects the final price.

This is because they can’t benefit from the cost savings that come with mass-produced bicycles.

While the conventional bike is mass-produced, e-bikes manufacturers cannot afford to do so.

In addition, there are not many brands of manufacturers in today’s market.

This means that competition is minimal and there is no need to put a better price on the e-bikes.

Accordingly, the market will offer better prices. For example, in the last year, there has been an increase in the popularity of electric bikes and, as a result, a decrease in prices.

What is the difference between a cheap and an expensive bike?

Considering all of the above, we can conclude that the price of electric bikes depends on the quality of the elements used.

E-bikes equipped with high-quality components will always cost more.

In addition, the formation of the cost is strongly influenced by electronics, which are responsible for additional functionality.

Not unimportant is the brand manufacturer and warranty.

An electric bike with a warranty on individual parts will cost more than a conventional bike.  

Reputable brands also charge a price for their name, so they will always cost more.

This is because they usually do not skimp on materials.

So, it is the other e-bike cost for electric bike manufacturers. Besides, electric bikes have higher running costs because of battery replacement, tire wear, and other servicing.

If you want to have a reliable electric bike that you can use for years to come, then you should choose a mid to high-end electric bike.

If you want a long-lasting bike, always pay attention to the warranty.

If you need an electric bike to ride in the mood, then pay attention to traditional bikes in the budget segment.

So why are electric bikes so expensive?

The price is shaped by a lot of factors.

But when you study everything in detail and determine for yourself why you need a bike, you can overview the proposed best electric bikes and find the best solution for yourself.


Is it worth having an electric bike?

There are several reasons to buy an electric bike:

  • An electric bike will help you stay in shape. Since you pedal, your body will get regular exercise, which is very good for your health.
  •  An electric bike will help relieve stress. Scientists have long proved the strong link between regular physical activity and stress reduction.
  • An electric bike can save you money. Buying an electric bike will cost you much less than buying and maintaining a car. In addition, you will not need to spend money on public transport.

Therefore, buying an electric bike is a great idea and a wise financial investment in your health. Also, to save some money, you can buy a used electric bike.

Why are electric bikes better than conventional bikes?

  • First of all, electric bicycles are much safer than normal bikes.
  • The motor helps you to pick up speed at the right moment and avoid danger.
  • You won’t run a red light and you’ll be more willing to slow down on corners.
  • Because with an electric bike, it is much easier for you to move on the road in heavy traffic, and fewer drivers will be forced to overtake you, which also guarantees safety.

What problems do electric bikes have?

Each bicycle has its pedal assist e-bike mechanism.

Most of them have magnets in the front sprocket, so any adjustment of the elements can cause the magnets to shift and prevent the e-bike from functioning properly.

This problem is solved easily. You need to push the magnets back in, next to the torque sensor, using a flathead screwdriver. This can be done by any mechanic.

Electric bikes did not appear that long ago. Compared to conventional bikes, there is not much experience in maintaining the transport.

Hence, as the market develops, so does the experience.

Another problem is proper battery operation. Heat and cold adversely affect battery life.

It is recommended that you do not plug the battery charger into an outlet and do not overcharge the battery or expose the battery to extreme weather conditions.

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