How to make your electric bike go faster


An electric bike is a very convenient, practical, and economical means of transportation. You can use it to get from point A to point B. It is suitable as a fitness machine, which allows you to stay in great shape. In addition, moving around the city on an electric bike, you do not need to pay for gasoline or pay for public transport. Despite the many benefits that a bicycle has, we all want to get a good speed ride out of it as well. In this article, you will find out how to make your electric bike go faster. The helpful practical tips will increase the speed of your e-bike many times over.

What you need to do to increase the speed of your e-bike

Most electric bikes have a relatively low top speed and don’t give you the same adrenaline rush as riding a motorcycle.

Nevertheless, there are some tricks and tips that can optimize the speed of any electric bike. But before you allow yourself to ride at higher speeds, it’s worth carefully reading the laws of the state where you intend to cycle.

Each state has its speed limit laws for electric bike owners. This is a vital measure to reduce accidents and crashes on the roads. In general, there are separate laws for each electric bike class and pedal assist level that imply different speed limits.

The laws of a particular state are created with the specifics of the roads and the area itself in mind. Most states allow an electric bike with a 500-watt battery capacity. The maximum speed limit is 20 miles per hour.

Once familiar with the local regulations and speed limits, you can upgrade your e-bike and increase the actual speed by federal law.

7 simple methods to make your e-bike faster

Using basic methods available to everyone, you can make your electric bike much faster without any intervention or complicated manipulation. Make sure your battery is always charged. f

1- Charge the battery before cycling

can you charge your electric bike at home

An electric bike battery has a high voltage when fully charged. As your battery drains, this voltage decreases. This can lead to power output and the e-bike will not be able to go fast. Therefore, always charge your battery before riding so you can cycle at higher speeds.

2- Install smoother tires

Professional cyclists know very well that you have to use very thin tires for high speeds. If your e-bike is equipped with off-road or mountain bike knobby tires, then you should have them replaced with road-slimmer tires. The smoother and thinner tires have less rolling resistance. This will allow your e-bike to cycle much faster. Therefore, when using wide tires, it is advisable to replace them with thinner tires.

Also, inflate your tires well. This will also reduce rolling resistance and increase wheel diameter, which means you will be able to ride much farther and faster.

You may note, however, that the cycle quality is rougher because you will be able to feel road imperfections better. But this minor disadvantage is nothing compared to the added speed and time savings. As a rule, the required tire pressure is indicated on the sidewalls.

Certain models of e-bikes have built-in speed limiters that you can disable. To do this, disconnect the wire connected to the speed controller.

3- Move the speed limiter

Electric bicycles are driven by electric motors. There are certain principles of motor operation that decide how fast your bike can go. Many e-bikes are equipped with speed limiters that can be turned off to ensure faster cycling.

If you own a mid-drive motor e-bike, you can get around the speed limit. Experienced cyclists do this by using a tip hook in which the sensor is moved from the wheel to the crank.

The point of this action is that if you fool the system and it thinks that the wheel size of the motor vehicle is not big, it will think that you are cycling slowly and it will add more speed to you. Thus, your display will be showing slower speeds than in reality.

4- Change the software settings

Some electric bikes have a speed limiter that is programmed into the software or settings. The speed limiter can easily be turned off using the settings or loading other software.

5- Pedaling harder

Most motor vehicles have a programmed speed limit of 20 mph. As soon as the cyclist reaches this value, the motor vehicles immediately shut off and the person has to pedal on their own.

To increase the speed, you can pedal more vigorously. This action will allow you to go faster and provide a higher load on the legs.

6- Enjoy the ride

Top speed depends on the cyclist’s activity and the amount of exertion they are willing to give up. You can reduce the weight of the vehicle to make it easier for you to get around.

The best solution is to get rid of unnecessary attachments and things that may be on your e-bike. For example, you can remove the trunk if you’re not using it. If the time of year is dry and warm, you can also remove the mudguards mounted on your bike’s wheels.

Also, don’t forget to install smaller tires and wear lighter clothing. You don’t need to dress too warmly while riding, as sweating can cause you to catch a cold. In addition, unnecessary things will prevent you from gaining top speed.

7- Change your posture to increase speed

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The air resistance created by the cyclist as he or she rides the e-bike makes a huge difference in speed. Have you ever noticed experienced cyclists chasing each other while leaning low? This riding posture allows you to reduce air resistance and go faster.

So simply change your usual upright posture stance to a lower stance.

What else can you do to increase the speed of your electric bike

There are many more complicated and not-so-sophisticated tricks you can do to increase the speed of your bike.

First, let’s go back to the heart of the electric bike: the motor.

Change the KV value of your motor and upgrade your e-bike battery

The VK of a motor is the ratio of RPM to maximum voltage. The higher the value, the higher the RPM and speed of the electric bike.

To increase this value, you can replace the bike’s existing motor. To do this, buy a new motor and change the rear tire to get a higher RPM rating.

If you don’t want to do a replacement, but want to have a more powerful motor, rewinding will help you do that. For this purpose, reduce the number of turns of coil wire around the armature. The minimum number of turns will increase the VK of the motor and allow you to achieve the bike’s maximum speed.

You can significantly increase the e-bike speed of your electric bike by upgrading the battery voltage. You can add some battery parts or find a better version with a higher-voltage battery. By simply replacing this element, you can get the max speed that you dream of.

To add additional battery components, check to see if there is room to install them. Each component will deliver a separate voltage. Lithium-ion and lithium-polymer batteries give 3.6 volts per cell. This means that you will get, 3.6 volts higher voltage from each part you add. Remember that the components must have the same power as the battery.

Perform a gear adjustment on an e-bike

This tip will be helpful for owners of electric bikes with mid-drive motors. You can then make gear adjustments for a faster ride. To do this, simply change the chainring on your e-bike to a larger one. This way you can get more torque and not as much power. This solution can be a great option for you when riding on level ground.

Equip your bike with a lower internal resistance battery

Electric bike batteries have a higher output and a much lower internal resistance. This means they will have a higher voltage under load. Thus, the use of higher-quality batteries guarantees improved voltage due to less drawdown.

Batteries with a higher capacity have better resistance to high currents. Switching to batteries with a higher capacity will also provide a higher voltage and a much greater range.

Use a windshield

At first, glance, installing a windshield seems silly and pointless, but in practice, it has been proven to work. Aerodynamic drag is increased by a cyclist who does not use wind protection. This significantly lowers the speed.

As soon as the electric bike is equipped with a windshield, the resistance will immediately decrease and speed will increase. The configuration of the shield allows it to pass smoothly and more efficiently.

Experienced cyclists claim that this measure allows you to achieve a higher speed of about 3 miles per hour.

To learn more about how to make your e-bike faster go here.

What are the dangers of driving at high speeds?

Of course, faster and more active driving is exciting and much more fun than driving slowly from point A to point B. However, you should not forget about your safety, as well as about how it can turn out for other road users.

Risk of injury

It’s no secret that most accidents on the roads happen because of high speed. Moreover, in such a case, your injuries can be very life-threatening. This multiplies your own risk of danger on the roads. Therefore, if you want to drive at high speeds, you should take care to have protective clothing and equipment. Be sure to wear a helmet on your head when you are going on the road.

Problems with the law

This was already mentioned at the beginning of the article, but it’s worth emphasizing again that all states in the USA have their laws. So once again, make sure that you have the right to travel at high speed on your bike.

The battery will fail faster

When you ride at high speeds, you increase the load on the battery. This in turn contributes to its faster wear and tear.

You also increase the load on the motor, which causes it to fail.

You need more effort

A bike with pedal assist helps you in pedaling up to a certain point until you reach 20 miles per hour. After that, you will have to pedal on your own and exert even more effort to maintain your desired speed. On the one hand, you will be more tired, but on the other hand, you can keep yourself in better shape by giving your body an increased workload. All in all, it depends on your level of fitness and desire.


You can easily make your regular bike fast and exciting, giving you an amazing opportunity to enjoy every ride.

No matter what class or type your bike belongs to, the tips in this article will help you increase its speed.

You can take advantage of both the simpler tips, which involve removing excess weight, moving the speed controller, fully charging the battery, and wearing lighter clothes and the more complicated, technical tipsters. They involve replacing the motor, upgrading or replacing the battery, and increasing the VK of the motor. It all depends on your capabilities and the speed you want to achieve.

Do not neglect your safety. Be sure to wear protective clothing and a helmet, because high speeds are associated with a greater risk of unpleasant incidents on the road.


Can electric bikes be made to go faster?

Sure you can make your electric bike faster. To do this, you need to change the tires to thinner ones, use protective clothing when riding, make the electric bike lighter by getting rid of excess weight, move the speed limiter, and much more.

How do I increase the speed of my bike controller?

Adjusting the top speed limit on your bike involves turning the screen off and on. You need to press and hold the up and down buttons, after which the top speed will start to light up. Set the top speed you want and save this option.

How do you remove the speed limiter on an electric bike?

To remove the speed limiter and relocate it, remove the magnet from the rear wheel. Then remove and relocate the electric bike’s frame base sensor.

Once you have removed the sensor on your electric bike, reattach it to the frame so that it is moved to the magnet on the bike. This will greatly increase the distance between the sensor and the magnet. Accordingly, there will be much less information coming to it and the actual speed will not be detected. Therefore, the motor will provide its assistance, which will automatically make the bike go faster.

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