How Much Does An Electric Bike Weigh?

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Are electric bike sales growing at an average rate? Are these trends true? Why electric bicycles get so popular because they offer great mobility for people who often commute long distances to work by car, better mobility, more than a normal bike does.

When buying an e-bike they have an additional benefit that is a lot lighter than other bicycle types. Electric bicycles contain motors and batteries that make electric bikes weigh much more than other types. So, how much does an electric bike weigh?

What are the advantages of an e-bike?

Compared to a traditional bike, an e-bike can reduce joint pain, extend riding range and provide a comfortable experience while retaining a required level of strain, as the user wishes. Another advantage of e-bike lies in the ability to cut through parks or sidewalks which is often not accessible for motorbikes or mopeds while having a lower price than these alternatives.

Are electric bikes heavier than regular bikes?

    But there is one thing consumers usually worry about when considering buying an e-bike – it’s their weight, in comparison with common bicycles. Does this matter? Yes, it does and in fact, most e-bikes will weigh more than their non-electric counterparts in the same class. Traditional bikes tend to reduce strain with less weight, but it’s not always the case for e-bikes. The actual e-bike weight matters for four primary reasons: cost, performance, quality, and usability.

How much does an electric bike weigh?

Generally, an average electric bike with a rear or front drive will weigh around 40-70 pounds compared to the average weight of 30-35 pounds of the same model non-electric bike. Although the actual electric bike’s weight depends on its type, motor type, size of the motor and battery used, and frame materials.

A bike frame, depending on the size of a bike and the material it is manufactured from, can weigh between 30 and 50 pounds on average. The frames also must support wider, heavier tires as a general rule.

Alternatively, heavier motors and batteries are bigger in order to offer greater power and range, as a general rule. A bike with a rear hub motor and battery (built into the rear wheel of a fat tire e-bike ) will need to have greater power because of the width of the fat tire itself.

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Batteries vary in type, size, and capacity – their weight is usually between 10 and 20 pounds.

Motor typically weighs around 10-12 pounds. This also affects cost, since the more material is used for a frame or if the larger batteries are installed – the more extra weight an e-bike will have and the more it will cost as result.

If you want to know more, you can read this article how much does an electric bike weigh?

Why is the electric bike so heavy?

Both cost and weight are also heavily determined by the quality of the materials used. For example, a typical frame made from aluminum or its alloys will be heavier than one made from carbon fiber, but carbon frames are more expensive.

Two different batteries with the same capacity will have price differences due to their size too. Smaller and lighter batteries are harder to produce and provide several advantages for an e-bike user so they are more expensive. Any part of a lightweight e-bike will cost more because of higher-quality materials and better construction.

However, less weight is not always better, since the lighter frame materials of an e-bike, a smaller battery, and an electric motor can be used and less distance can be covered with pedal-assisting mode as in result.

Does the extra weight of an e-bike affect your ride?

With traditional bikes, less weight may seem advantageous because it reduces the strain while cycling and gives you better control of the ride. However, this is not always the case for e-bikes since less weight means a smaller battery and/or motor, which in turn reduces the range you can cover on the pedal assist.

Among other reasons, why e-bike weight matters are rider capability because the e-bike frame can be very heavy and it may not serve well the person driving it, since it may need to be lifted or moved into a car or storage which might be challenging due to extra weight. Heavier e-bikes weigh and also are harder to handle while driving.

The weight of a rider also matters. A small and light person might find difficulties starting pedaling on a heavier electric bike.

Certain weights will surely help to handle a heavier bike, but if the rider is way too heavy – it is recommended to find a bike that can hold that weight or a motorcycle with more motor power and greater battery capacity.

Perfect weight doesn’t necessarily exist for an e-bike. It rather depends on such things as the ability to manage the bike safely on off-road terrain or if you will need to lift it. But there always is a solution.

E-bikes come in a variety for the specific needs of almost any user including teens and children, small people, senior people, people with disabilities, and even people riding cruiser e-bikes with a child or pet.

So weight comparison shows that an e-bike is heavier than most conventional bikes and other kinds of bikes for a variety of reasons. Weight comparison also affects the pricing policy – depending on the weight, a certain type of metal is used, and the price of an e-bike depends on the type of metal.

What affects an electric bike weight?

To put it simply, e-bikes are like regular bikes with a few extras. Optional modules include a battery, electric motor, display panel, and wiring.

These components certainly add a few pounds to the bike’s original weight, but the benefits they have far outweighed the drawbacks of a slightly heavier build.

How much does an electric bike weigh? A simple non-electric bike can weigh 30 pounds (16 kg) and an electric version of the same can weigh 45-50 pounds (20-23 kg). But with e-bike weigh those extra pounds, not even the youngest cyclist can go about 100 km (even on a bike with a heavier frame), and this is at a speed of 25-30 km per hour, which is commendable.

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Carbon frames are currently being used, replacing steel as the raw material for making an e-bike. As a result, a further reduction in the e-bike’s weight by about 2-3 kg is possible.

What is a good weight for an electric bike? (Weight Comparison)

E-Bikes have different weights. What makes an ideal weight depends on the weight of your bike and how safe it feels to ride it. It also varies depending on what you are looking for. A folding machine that climbs hills, runs efficiently across the city, conquers roads smoothly, or runs smoothly through rocky roads.

Keep in mind the extra weight of batteries and motors as well as additional accessories such as cargo racks and cargo containers can determine the actual weight amount of a bike, regardless of the particular bike style and model.

Is there any variety of electric bikes?

  Electric bikes don’t only differ by rider size and weight, they, same as ordinary bikes, come in a large number of types, specified for different ways of riding.

Among the most common types are city (or commuter) e-bikes, road electric bikes, hybrid electric bikes, electric bikes for racing, bikes with fat tires, mountain electric bikes, cruising e-bikes, comfort e-bikes, folding electric bikes, and sometimes combinations of named types, for example, comfort e-bike with fat tires and larger battery capacity.

Types of e-bikes

Below you will see information about how much an electric bike weighs, the different types of e-bikes, and their features. The types of e-bikes differ mainly in the purpose of their use. Electric bikes weigh depending on the set of characteristics of each of their types and individual parameters.

 City e-bike weight comparison

          City e-bikes are typically used for riding locally, not far, not fast, or just commuting. They weigh less than most other e-bikes with larger frames and wider tires. They are mostly designed for riding on concrete, so there is no need for wider tires which means less overall weight. Some people might use cargo racks though and it may influence the e-bike’s weight.

The average bike weight of such an electric bike is 45-55 lbs.

Folding e-bike

          Some e-bikes can be folded to lift and carry them around, taken upstairs, or put into a car or onto buses. Folding e-bikes can weigh both less and more than non-foldable e-bikes. This depends on their frame and wheel size, tire width, additional construction details, and material. A small commuter folding e-bike can weigh twice less than a bigger bike of the same type.

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Folding e-bikes typically weigh less but some special models with additional gear might have a higher average weight.

Racing e-bike weight comparison

Road electric bicycles are designed to allow really fast cycling. This means that they have thin wheels combined with a lean frame, as well as curved forward handlebars. The design of such bikes implies they have less weight than most other types.

It is highly recommended that you not overload your pedal bike as this may damage the electric motor or components and cause malfunctions such as overheating the battery or motor. Do not store the battery in extremely hot or cold places.

Electric road bikes will typically weigh around 40 to 70 pounds.

Mountain e-bike weight

Electric mountain bikes can be considered a subspecies of road bikes. The key difference from an electric mountain bike is that the road bike uses wide seats with good cushioning and a thick layer of foam rubber.

These e-bikes are probably the most popular due to their versatility and performance. While they are designed for off-road cycling, they are just as proficient on the road. The Electric mountain bikes are made with a suspension that limits the impact of bumps and can allow having up to 750W motors. 

Electric bicycles, including mountain bikes, are now used all over the world. An electric mountain bike is made from various metals: aluminum, steel, and titanium. The price for them varies depending on the metal.

The electric motor and battery are key points of a mountain e-bike. Since a mountain bike or road bike often is used for cross-country riding, it is better to choose a higher capacity battery or a bike with a larger and more durable battery, then you will ride a bike longer and more comfortably without recharging.

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Electric mountain bikes can weigh anywhere between 40 and 70 pounds, with most of them closer to the 70-pound mark.

Cruising e-bike 

This e-bike allows its rider to maintain an upright posture while riding and also have soft seats with wide handlebars. Usually, a cruising e-bike provides the user with the ability to have a more relaxed and comfortable experience of riding compared to other electric and traditional bikes and is fitter for leisure cycling. 

The typical weights of cruiser e-bikes are around 70 pounds.

Comfort electric bikes’ weight

Comfort e-bikes usually have lighter frames and handlebars that extend backward as opposed to sideways, but overall don’t differ much from a cruiser e-bike. A step-through frame is a frame with a low or absent top tube or cross-bar, they are typically used in utility bikes.

Fat Tire E-bikes’ weight

Fat tire bikes are created especially for off-road riding and have great performance on many kinds of surfaces, including snow, grit, mud, rocks, etc. The wider wheels add to the overall bike weight, as well as the harder frame design. They also need good suspension, which adds weight.

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Fat tire electric bikes typically weigh between 50 and 70 pounds.

E-bike for kids

Now imagine athletic parents wanting to take their kids out for a weekend of outdoor exercise. But alas! The physical stamina of adults and children simply doesn’t match, thus ruining the weekend outing plan.

Many children are simply not ready to leave their PlayStations for walks, becoming more lethargic and obese every day.

The only solution seems to be to provide them with something more fun than their PlayStation. Here are the electric bikes for our little ones, super light, super comfortable, and the most fun things for kids.

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Electric bikes for kids typically weigh two times less than for adults.

Light accessories

As you have seen above, with a few exceptions, a modern electric bike is still quite heavy. Yes, this is changing and it will get lighter as frame, battery, and motor technology advances. However, it will be some time before this happens.

What other questions might concern you?

  • Does reducing the size and weight of electric bike motors mean a reduction in their performance? No, not necessarily. Nowadays, with the development of technology, more compact, but powerful engines are being developed. They are compact, graceful, elegant, and at the same time “omnipotent”. Bosch is one of the leading companies specializing in the production of compact and lightweight yet efficient e-bike motors.
  • Does the use of carbon structures for the manufacture of the frame of an e-bike affect its performance? No way. There is no performance degradation if an e-bike is made from carbon raw materials. The e-bike made from carbon fiber is light in weight and therefore easy to maneuver. Moreover, it does not rust due to the moisture content of the atmosphere.


As you’ve read, electric bikes vary a lot in their weight and there are many reasons why. These reasons will help you choose the perfect e-bike for you. Thus, how much does an electric bike weigh? This is a huge factor to consider before buying one.

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