Fast, fun & eco-friendly: electric bike pros and cons

Electric bike pros and cons

Have you heard of electric bikes (or “e-bikes”)? They are becoming increasingly popular, and it isn’t hard to see why. E-bikes can go farther, faster, and higher with less effort than traditional bicycles, making them the perfect choice for anyone who wants to get somewhere quickly without breaking too much of a sweat. But don’t let the … Read more

How Do Electric Bike Brakes Work?

How do electric bike brakes work - basic maintenance tips

In cycling, e-bike brakes are a significant part, especially when it comes to safety. No matter how fast you ride, at some point, you have to stop your e-bike and this can be done with a special tool: the e-bike braking system. The e-bike brake system consists of several important components that function together. To … Read more

How To Charge An Electric Bike?

How to charge an electric bike -efficient guide step-by-step

Every cyclist wants to get maximum satisfaction from riding an electric bike and tackling long and challenging cycling routes. To achieve this, the condition of all components of the bike must be perfect. But there is one very important component that directly affects the functionality of your e-bike. This component is the electric bike battery. … Read more

Transporting a Heavy Electric Bike

transporting a heavy electric bike -5 best ways+useful tips

Thanks to electric bikes, people now have the opportunity to get to work in comfort and without harming the environment. The eco-friendly solutions are ideal for short-distance rides. Thanks to their clever design, they can be loaded into vehicles. But because the weight of electric bikes is quite heavy, transporting them from point A to … Read more

How to Remove the Speed Limiter on an Electric Bike?

How to remove the speed limiter on an electric bike?-3 best ways

Electric bikes are a great alternative means of transportation. They provide comfort and speed to the cyclist, allowing you to ride without spending too much money. Another advantage of electric bikes is their ability to accelerate. However, almost all states have a restriction on electric bikes that prevents them from exceeding 25 miles per hour. … Read more