Electric bike VS Regular bike: what to choose?

As you know, today there is a large assortment of bicycles, so you can find the best option for yourself. If you prefer to pedal yourself, then it is better to choose a regular bike. If you are planning a long distance, then stop on an electric bike. A detailed comparison of electric bikes vs regular bikes will be described in this article.

electric bike vs. regular bike

Working principle of electric bicycle

If you are interested in comparing an electric bike vs. regular bike, then it makes sense to pay attention to several parameters. The principle of operation of an ordinary bike is known to everyone. But the electric bike has a difference in operation.

Electric bicycles are also called e-bikes. This is a separate category of bicycles, which includes motorized vehicles.

To make life easier for e-bike riders, most electric bikes are equipped with an electric motor.

An electric bike works on a battery that needs to be recharged periodically. The main difference between traditional bikes and electric bicycles is that the device has a throttle valve. Electric bikes work so that there is a possibility of power control.

Some models of electric bikes have a pedal assist feature. That is, as soon as the cyclist starts pedaling the electric bike, the engine starts its work. This greatly simplifies the process of driving a vehicle.

If you are interested in a detailed comparison of an electric bike vs. regular bike, then it should be noted that both options are supplemented with pedals. The pedal helps move the bicycle forward and the load on the engine is reduced. Even though electric bikes have been around for a long time, they have gained popularity recently.

The popularity of electric bicycles is justified by several parameters. This is ideal for driving on uneven terrain with hills. Electric bikes are also the best option if you are environmentally conscious and want to replace your car with safer options.

It is noted that the e-bike is supplemented with a display. The display screen shows all the necessary information about the speed of the e-bike.

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Detailed comparison of electric bike vs. regular bike

As already mentioned, the differences between regular bikes and electric bikes are minor.

Principle of operation

The main difference between a conventional bicycle and an electric bicycle is the principle of operation. That is, the electric bike is supplemented with a battery and a motor. Some models have a display screen. The battery is designed to power the engine.

It’s the pedals that help move. However, in the bike store, you can find models of electric bikes in which you have to pedal. There is a switch on the handlebar, which is quite easy to operate.

There are several types of electric bikes, namely:

  • with pedal assistance;
  • with throttle on-demand;
  • with a speed pedal.

A variant called pedal assistance allows you to move the bicycle forward as soon as you start pedaling. Throttle models provide energy control, and you can select the value with a dedicated switch. Models with speed pedals travel no more than 20 miles per hour.

In a bike shop, you can also find electric bikes that have different assistance options. The setting is done using the display screen.

Number of emissions

Many people are concerned about the current state of the environment, so people are trying to switch to vehicles with a minimum amount of emissions. Ordinary bikes are more environmentally friendly when compared to electric bicycles. The operation of an electric bike is connected to the battery.

Therefore, during battery operation, emissions will be observed. You can reduce their number if you stop the choice of energy sources that can be restored. Ordinary bikes don’t have emissions. However, they can be recycled. That is, some parts can be reused.

If you are looking for a bike that does not spoil the environment, it makes sense to choose normal bikes. Electrical options can be used, however, in extreme cases.

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More and more people are trying to get electric bikes. As already mentioned, they work thanks to the presence of an electrical motor, so pedaling is much easier.

At the same time, electric bikes allow you to develop high speeds when compared with conventional bicycles.

You need to understand that the use of electric bikes is much more expensive when compared to traditional bicycles. On average, a traditional bike costs from $200 to $2,000. However, there are also more expensive options.

A quality ordinary bike that can move over uneven terrain can cost $1,000-$1,500. An electric bike costs a minimum of $1,000. However, some top-end electric bikes can cost $10,000. As you can see, the price difference is significant.

Security options

Many are interested in comparing electric bikes vs. regular bikes for safety. Electric bikes are quite dangerous if you are not experienced in riding them. After all, most people are not accustomed to moving at the high speeds that an electric bike can provide.

If you choose a vehicle for city driving, then you need to be careful with an electric bike. Considering that they can reach unfamiliar high speeds for you, electric bikes can be the cause of numerous accidents on the roads.

Experienced cyclists who are skilled at riding electric bikes know how to keep themselves safe. Therefore, when driving e-bikes, you should follow the signs on the roads and follow all the rules of the road. Do not develop high speeds. Remember that when cornering, you need to carefully monitor everything.

Electric bikes are on the list of the most stolen vehicles. This is because they are sold at a high cost. So, you need to worry about the added security of e-bikes. You need to take care of a secure battery lock. You should also remove the screen from e-bikes.

Repair and maintenance

E-bikes are practically indistinguishable from regular bikes if we consider the routine maintenance parameter. If the electrical components on the e-bikes fail, you have to turn to a professional.

Repair of e-bikes and the electrical drive system is possible at the nearest service center or at the bike shop where you made the purchase. If you have experience repairing a traditional bike, then you can handle most breakdowns yourself.

The electric drive system fails extremely rarely. If such a nuisance has occurred, you can fix everything by purchasing a new system. Also, when buying new e-bikes, a guarantee is provided that lasts for several years. This allows you to cover the cost of any repairs.

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Ease of operation

The main advantage of an e-bike is that you do not have to pedal yourself. You can easily drive on flat roads as well as on steep hills. Thanks to the electric drive system, e-bikes provide motor kicks for ease of movement. This is the best option if you are returning tired from work on a bicycle.

Some e-bikes have additional features that make it easier to ride. This applies to built-in lights and a sound signal. Therefore, you can give other cars a signal to prevent accidents. E-bike is the best solution for moving in low-light conditions.

There are built-in displays on e-bikes. As already mentioned, they show how far you have traveled and at what speed. Therefore, the e-bike is the best solution for athletes who need to monitor their progress.

Travel speed

Another difference between an e-bike and a traditional bike is that it is capable of high speeds. An e-bike can reach speeds of up to 20 miles per hour. Some models are capable of moving at speeds up to 28 miles per hour. But a conventional bicycle moves at a maximum speed of only 10 miles per hour.

If you choose a regular mid-range bike model, it can travel at a maximum speed of 15 miles per hour. Therefore, an e-bike is the best solution if you plan to ride it to work or out of town.

A significant advantage is that the e-bike develops speed at the expense of the battery and the engine.

But in the case of a conventional bicycle, to accelerate, you have to pedal more actively. This may not please everyone.

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The legislative framework

E-bikes and regular bicycles have different rules and regulations that govern their operation. Pretty much every state treats e-bikes the same as normal bikes. That is, you can safely ride them around the city.

However, several differences cannot be ignored. In California, you can ride regular bikes everywhere. But e-bikes are prohibited in state parks or outside the city, where there are no asphalt roads.

E-bikes can be driven by individuals over the age of 16. Children under this age may only ride the e-bike if accompanied by their parents. There are no such requirements for regular bikes.

In most European countries, the speed of an electric bicycle should not exceed 15.53 miles (25 kilometers) per hour. In the USA, the maximum speed an e-bike can reach is 20 miles per hour. Please check the regulations in your area before using.

Riding experience

It is important to compare electric bikes vs. regular bikes in terms of riding. Even though electric bikes have a pedal assist feature, the controls are the same as with a regular bike. You need to get on the bike and start pedaling. The control and principle of braking will also not be different.

If you have experience riding a normal bike, then riding an e-bike does not be difficult. However, several differences should be noted. First, electric bikes have a motor. It is so simple and compact that you do not notice the difference between manual control and pedal assistance.

You can provide additional actions that keep the battery charged.

If you plan to ride an electric bike, you will have to pay attention to your posture.

When riding a conventional bicycle, people can get up from the saddle to push the pedals more actively. This allows for more intense movement if you are riding regular cross-country bikes. This causes wobble, so the sensors on the e-bike may stop working.

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E-bike ownership is known to help exercise. In the case of conventional bikes, training is more intense, and you notice a positive result faster. Even though the electric bike has a pedal-assist feature, you can also improve your fitness.

On average, the difference is only 25%. That is, on a regular bike, moving along bike lanes, you will burn 25% more calories.

If we consider the fact that an electric bike allows you to overcome long distances, the difference in calories burned is negligible.

If you have riding experience and plan to ride an e-bike, you can prevent serious diseases such as cancer, heart attack, and stroke. Moreover, if you ride a regular bike up, you can improve your fitness. To improve well-being, it is enough to drive only 10-15 miles a day.

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When it comes to the differences between regular and electric bikes, there are a lot of questions to ask.

Are electric bikes better than regular bikes?

It cannot be said that one model is better than another. However, you can travel long distances with minimal effort with an electric bike.

Can you ride an electric bike like a normal bike?

Yes, you have such an opportunity. The choice of the method of movement is carried out using a special button, which is located on the handlebar.

How much faster is an electric bike than a regular bike?

On average, an electric bike travels 1.5 to 2 times faster than a regular bike.

Are electric bikes harder to ride than regular bikes?

Riding an electric bike is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. However, it is better to practice riding in advance to make it easier to control. Once you get used to such a vehicle, it is much easier to drive.


As you can see, the differences between a regular bike and an e-bike are minor. Everything depends on the presence of an electric motor, so you do not always need to pedal.

I suggest you try different types of bikes to see which one is right for you. This way you won’t spend too much money on an uncomfortable vehicle, and you’ll be able to feel comfortable cruising the parks or driving to work.

Have you been looking for a bike yet? What parameters are important to you?

Write in the comments, I will be glad to read and answer your questions there.

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