Do You Need a License For an Electric Bike?

snipet license

Today you can buy a bike for almost every taste in the world. But each state has its own rules and different laws. There are states where electric bikes are equated to regular bicycles that do not need licensing requirements. If you travel a lot and move around, perhaps from one country to another, you should learn all the local rules. Do you need a license for an electric bike? Some of them are important to understand, but not knowing this right does not relieve you of responsibility. In this article, you find the answer to such a popular question.

Are e bicycles considered motor vehicles?

Before you find out do you need a license for your e-bike, you should know whether electric bicycles are considered motor vehicles. It depends on the legislation defining the state. Some bikes are motorized bicycles that were created by the requirements of road sufferance. To know if your bike is a low-speed electric bicycle or not, you need to familiarize yourself with the nature of the terrain.

How to know do you need a license for an electric bike

You should start by researching the markings on your e-bike. Many states in America use bike labels for their class. Also, you should know which are low-speed electric bicycles and which are high-speed. If there are no markings on the upcoming transport, then find out the characteristics of the bike. You can find information about your e-bike from the manufacturer or on the Internet. To do this, you can enter a motor vehicle. Google will give you useful links. E-bike data can also be found on the DMV portal.


It is American laws in the United States that are the most difficult for citizens to understand. The concept of what counts as an e-bike varies from state to state. Many states have a special system that divides electric bikes into three groups based on speed, engine size, and throttle. However, where this law has not been adopted, other very different rules apply. As for US laws, there is one interesting nuance here, which suggests that there are no special speed limits. However, by themselves, power limits already automatically set a speed limit. This is a very important point that should be taken into account.

The three-class division of electric bikes is used in about 36 states. This law allows you to classify e-bikes into three classes, taking into account several important characteristics. This means that electric bikes do not need licenses and special registration. However, there are certain limitations. For example, the allowable power is 750 watts.

The classification of electric bicycles


Category 1

Electric bikes function when the cyclist is pedaling. They have only a pedal assist system with no throttle. This way, you can reach a top speed of up to 20 miles per hour.

Class 2

This type is equipped with a throttle that allows the bike to accelerate.

Class 3

This is the fastest type of bike, which allows you to reach a maximum speed of 28 miles per hour.

Whether your state adheres to this law or not, you can find out on the People for bikes electric bike laws state by state, which contains all the information on this issue. In addition, as we mentioned above, there are certain states where an electric bike is considered a completely ordinary vehicle, such as a classic bike. Some local laws equate e-bikes with mopeds and scooters. For example, in places like Mexico City, Alaska, or Massachusetts, you need to have a driver’s license for your vehicle. Also, be prepared that here you will not have permanent access to the roads.


In this country, an electric bike recorded the fact of movement. Accordingly, you do not need a license to cycle in Australia.

However, an e-bike class was added in 2012, reaching a new power limit of 200 watts. If you are the owner of such a bike, then you need a license. This rule applies in Victoria and Queensland.


Whatever province you are in Canada, Quebec, or Ontario, you don’t need an e-bike license. However, as in any state, there is a power limit here. As a general rule, they got that your e-bike should have an electric motor power below 500 watts. Some regions have been tested by technical media. In addition, you are also required to wear a helmet while traveling.

Great Britain

A cyclist traveling on the streets of the observed development must be at least 14 years old. But here you don’t need a license to ride an e-bike. At the same time, as other states are held to strict standards, UK cyclists are moving closer to this free state. The conflict in England was limited in weight, but they were delayed.

Helmet requirements

Just as one assumes whether one has or does not have a driver’s license, the presence of a helmet is dictated by status. Many states require a helmet to be worn if the cyclist is a minor. As a rule, this age is up to 18 years. Some add the age independence helmet decision. this rule applies in those countries where an e-bike is treated as a motor vehicle. Remember that riding without a helmet at 28 miles per hour is a serious risk to life. Therefore, be vigilant and take precautions, even if the state law does not impose any helmet requirements.

Why such a difference?

Each country has its current legislation. To a greater extent, the rules differ based on the power of the electric bike. Accordingly, the sensor power and speed. So, for low-speed electric bikes, a license is not needed, and vice versa. There are also concepts of road safety. In most countries, one is required to ride with a helmet. This is not surprising, because you should have the maximum number of owners on the road. In general, an electric bike can be operated without any problems in most countries of the world.

What are the rules for riding an electric bike?

If your bike is not legally considered a vehicle, then it is included in the category of traditional bicycles. Auxiliary equipment for riding a bike is not needed. Also, you do not need to wear a helmet. You do not need to have a driver’s license to ride this e-bike. But we advise you to get insurance to protect yourself from the owners of theft, and unforeseen others. It is allowed to ride wherever it can be done by owners of low-speed electric bicycles. As a rule, they move along the bike paths. You may not ride on pedestrian sidewalks unless they legally cover cycling. Obey the traffic rules.  

What e-bikes need registration

Any e-bike classified as a motor vehicle must be registered. This means that you will need a license to drive a motorized bicycle. Below we will provide a short guide on which motorized vehicles must be registered.



This type of electric bike does not require a license. It can be operated on isolated roads, bike paths, and permitted access areas. A helmet is required to ride scooters.

Electric scooter

This type of transport also does not require a license. They can also travel on public roads and bike paths. They also need helmets.

L1 A and L1 B

This is a category of electric-assisted bicycles, the maximum speed of which is 25-50 km/h. This vehicle does not require a license. He can move around the neighborhood and, bike paths. L1B requires special motorcycle helmets, while L1 A requires regular bicycle helmets.

Mopeds L2A and L2B

Vehicles of this category are transported on private and suburban roads, highways, and bicycle roads. L2A transport rights are also not needed. It requires a standard helmet. L2B has some differences. This category requires permission. They need a helmet.

Models L3

This transport is equated to the detection of motorcycles. You need to find out the output and the presence of a large or large fortune. Make sure your motorcycle is registered. Speed ​​limits apply when driving on certain roads.

Vehicles L4 and L5

These are electric bikes from sidecars or closed-type models. They require a license or registration.

Models L6 and L7

These are ATVs that differ in weight. Small models have the same requirements as L4 and L5.

What else do you need to know about the laws of riding electric bikes?

Before you start your e-bike journey, you should familiarize yourself with some of the federal laws. A low-speed electric bicycle is defined by the Safety Commission as a motorized bicycle with fully operable pedals. The maximum speed of such vehicles shall not exceed 20 miles per hour. A motor wattage should be no more than 750 watts. Possible restrictions for electric bikes on the roads, this is a matter of local regulations.

Also, conventional electric bikes are not included in the safe means. If your e-bike exceeds these limits, then it is listed as a car. Therefore, it must comply with all traffic safety standards.

Recommendations for cyclists of all ages

Now let’s discuss at what age, according to the permissible law, it is allowed to ride an electric bicycle.


Adolescents are persons belonging to the age category 14+. They have legal grounds for riding regular bicycles in countries where it is allowed. Just like adult drivers, teenagers are required to follow the rules of the road.


Because adults are more aware, they are expected to behave more loyally on the roads. But this does not mean that they need to relax and do whatever they want. It should be remembered that unexpected events can occur at each age.


There are no rules for the elderly that would prohibit them from riding an electric bicycle. Riding an e-bike is a great way to prolong life and improve health. This transport allows the elderly to keep in good shape. However, riding at this age can be extremely dangerous, especially for those with poor eyesight. If you have any health problems or disabilities, you should consult your doctor. Old people should always think about safety rules, move on responsible paths, and wear a helmet.


Are electric bikes legal in the UK?

The United Kingdom is one of the countries allowing cyclists to roam freely on bike paths. But you must strictly adhere to the rules of the road when navigating bike paths in the UK. You have to stick to the left side. The same rule applies to cyclists from Ireland.

How fast can you go on eBike?

If we talk about the United Kingdom, the maximum speed at which you can move there is 25 km / h.

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