Can You Use An Electric Bike Without the Battery?

can you ride ebike without battery

Electric bikes are a comfortable, harmless, and economical way to ride. Compared to a traditional bike, an e-bike is also safer. Thanks to the compact motor and battery, electric bikes have a lot of advantages that make up for their main disadvantage – the need to recharge.

Considering how hard you use your e-bike and how well you maintain your battery, a lithium-ion battery can get you about 25 to 70 miles on the road. So when you buy an e-bike, you should be prepared for the fact that sooner or later your battery will run out. Then you have a quite logical question: can you ride an electric bike without a battery?

What type of electric bikes can be ridden without a battery?

Ebikes are classified into two main types, among which there are many variations. Some models involve the ability to run the e-bike without the battery, and some do not. Let’s discuss each option separately.

Electric pedal-powered bikes have built-in sensors that automatically set when the e-bike should turn on the pedal assistance, signaling to the battery so that it supplies the necessary energy to the motor.

Another sensor is called a cadence sensor. It is usually found in low-end models. This sensor determines exactly when you pedal and at what frequency it happens. Despite the cheap cost, cadence sensors are not considered as convenient as torque sensors.

Because e-bikes equipped with pedal assistants use physical pedal rotation, they can be used without a battery.

Throttle-controlled e-bikes involve the use of a manual throttle to control the power that is supplied to the motor. This is either a lever that is operated with the thumb or a rotary throttle.

As soon as the rider starts to step on the gas, battery power is provided by a motor and the e-bike immediately starts to pick up speed. Those models of e-bikes, which are controlled only by the throttle, assume control on the principle of a moped. This type of transport is usually equated to motorcycles and is subject to the same laws as mopeds. Because this type of transport is deprived of pedals, it simply cannot function without a battery. Such models are dependent on motor power and cannot be operated in any other way.

Nevertheless, there are certain electric bikes, which are used primarily for the application of the throttle, and also have the option of motor assistance. These models of e-bikes tend to have greater performance when compared to conventional e-bikes equipped with pedal assist. Since they are equipped with pedals, cyclists can ride them even with a flat battery.

There are also pedal-assist bicycle models that also have an auxiliary throttle. The cyclist can apply auxiliary performance with the throttle whenever he or she wishes, even though the motor automatically keeps him or her pedaling.

When the cyclist wishes to take a little rest, he may well use the throttle assist in providing additional support when riding. You can not ride this e-bike without a battery.

Arguments for pedaling on an electric bike

Cyclists prefer to pedal even on e-bikes for a variety of reasons. Let’s look at the most popular ones.

The battery is low

One good reason to pedal on an e-bike is that the battery is low. An insufficient battery charge does not provide power to the motor. So, you can still pedal with a flat battery and continue your ride without any problem.


Due to damage to the motor, e-bike battery, or some other part of the vehicle, the bike may not be getting the power it needs. As long as your pedals are functioning, you can ride this e-bike without a battery. Owners of e-bikes should keep in mind that their bikes do not last forever and some parts can fail.

To keep the e-bike battery intact

You can cover a huge distance on your e-bike without needing to charge it. This gives you a chance to save the charge at a time when you need it. For example, you can use the charge to go up a steep hill or when you start to get tired of riding.

To keep yourself in good shape

body shape cycling 1

If you want to be an active cyclist rather than a passive cyclist, use the ability to pedal on your own. This will allow you to get to where you want to go with great benefit to your health. The motor resistance can make getting around on a bike more challenging than on a normal bicycle. But don’t forget that it’s a great exercise for your muscles and cardio.

When transporting by airplane

transport by airplane

Since electric bike batteries, in most cases, are prohibited for airplane transport, you can transport your bike without the battery. You can purchase the e-bike battery separately upon arrival.

Causes related to the law

There are states where the operation of electric bicycles is regulated by law. Low-power models of bicycles equipped with pedal assist are no different from normal bicycles by law.

Ebikes, characterized by high power, may require the bike owner to have a special license, taxes, or insurance. But if the e-bike can pedal, you can operate it without problems, as long as you remove the battery of course.

It is also worth bearing in mind that different laws apply everywhere. Be sure to check the laws and regulations of the area where you intend to ride your e-bike.

Weight limits

In some cases, you may enter an area where weight limits will apply. For example, an electric bike may exceed the permissible elevator limits. For safer operation, it is better to remove the battery in some cases. Weight limits also apply to some public transport.

The weight of an electric bike is always very different from that of a normal bicycle. Battery capacity directly affects the excess weight of the electric bike. The greater the battery capacity, the greater the battery weight. Removing the battery solves this problem in most cases and allows you to stay within safe weight limits. Pedal and throttle control is also worth adapting to, so beginner riders are advised to familiarize themselves with the electric bike’s extra weight and center of gravity by pedaling without an electric drive.

Is it easy to ride an electric bike without the battery?

Usually, e-bikes are much heavier than traditional bikes. Removing the battery may solve this problem, but even without the battery the e-bike feels much heavier, so pedaling will be more difficult. It all depends on the type of terrain you are navigating, as well as your fitness.

The motor resistance, as we have already said, also matters. For example, crank or direct-drive hub motors show significantly more motor resistance in the passive state, so pedaling will be more difficult. In some cases, this can affect free running.

Other varieties of motor, for example, from the hub, have almost no resistance. If you are in great physical shape, do sports, and like activity, then this will not be a problem for you.

How to remove an electric bike battery

You can remove your bike’s battery by resorting to several solutions.

Disconnect or remove the battery

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Many e-bikes are equipped with removable batteries. You can take them with you and charge them separately. Removing the battery completely does not deprive cyclists of the ability to pedal on their own if they want to.

Certain models have batteries that are disconnected via cables. This means that the battery can be disconnected without the need to remove it from the e-bike, while other batteries are fixed to the frame and must be removed completely to disconnect them.

Disconnecting the Power

Many e-bikes have the option of disconnecting power from the battery. This means that the cyclist has the ability to control whether the motor receives power from the battery by pressing a button. When the power is disconnected, the electric bike can ride similarly to a regular bike.

Disconnecting the wiring from the battery

For experienced users or those with a good understanding of electricity, a trick such as disconnecting the wiring will not be a hassle. It should be done by those who have the necessary knowledge and skills to work with electrical equipment. When you disconnect the battery from the entire electrical system, you can no longer use it to power the electric motor.

Features of riding an electric bike without the battery

Keep the battery and related parts clean. This will extend the life of your bike. If you choose to ride without the battery, be sure to double-check the mounts for dirt and dust.

Before riding without a battery, do a test ride that will tell you how easy and comfortable it is to pedal your e-bike without a battery. Remember that it is not a good situation to find yourself without power far from home on a heavy bike.

Also, be sure to monitor your tire pressure. Excessively low tire pressure creates friction on uneven roads, and you will lose speed.

Do not use extreme or turbo mode for too long when riding an electric bike.

Also, do not overload the bike with excessive weight, as this affects the battery range.

Try different riding modes to increase battery efficiency.

Plan your ride; it is likely to take longer to reach your destination. Hilltops and another difficult terrain can be a challenge, so plan your route ahead of time so you can get back without problems.

Take care of your bike’s battery

If you decide to remove the battery, store it in a dry, safe battery space. Keep in mind that batteries can be explosive when exposed to high temperatures. Also, exposure to moisture can disable your battery. The condition of the electric bike battery deteriorates as a result of multiple discharges that create poor charging cycles. Therefore, avoid such discharges and always charge the battery sufficiently. When the battery runs too low on charge, it stops providing power to the engine.

Final thoughts

Riding an e-bike without a battery is possible if you want to if your bike is equipped with pedals.

You have to understand that you will have to move more difficult because of the extra weight and the nature of the motor resistance. Riding a bike forward depends on physical pedaling. However, if you love sports and want to keep yourself in great shape, riding such a bike will replace going to the gym. You will work your muscles well and do good cardio at the same time, which is very good for your health. On the other hand, if you are going to ride far, you will quickly get tired and it will be difficult for you to cover a long distance.

If you are planning to ride an e-bike without the battery, then you should buy the lightest weight model with a detachable battery.


Can you manually pedal an electric bike?

Some models of electric bikes function like normal bikes after the battery is removed. To use only foot power when riding, you must select zero assists, and then the battery will not be used.

What happens when your electric bike battery dies?

If your e-bike suddenly runs out of battery while riding, you have two options on how to solve this problem: you can continue to ride using the pedals. If your e-bike cannot run without the battery, then you need to find power, plug the battery in, charge it, and use your bike.

Can you ride an e-bike without a chain?

Ebikes with a chain are usually lighter in weight. Such models are characterized by great durability. Owners can quickly move such an e-bike from place to place. In addition, when moving on such a bike, you will be deprived of an unpleasant ringing sound. If you want to enjoy a quiet ride on your bike, choose this model.

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