How to Buy A Used Electric Bike?


Buying a used electric bike is certainly a cheaper option than a new bike, but you should keep in mind that the purchase price is due to several factors. If you decide to buy a used e-bike, your purchase may not be successful. You will end up having to spend a much larger amount to repair the vehicle. To save money and make a good investment, follow the tips in this article that will show you how to buy a used electric bike.

Checklist for choosing used electric bikes

Before buying a used e-bike prepare well for your meeting with the seller. Be sure to write down the questions you need to ask him:

1.  What is the service life of the used e-bike?

The newer the e-bike, the better for you and your safety. Today’s bike market changes lightning fast. More recent models of most electric bikes have a better motor, battery, appearance, and other components. It is best not to buy a used e-bike that is more than two years old.

2. How much mileage did the bike get?

The more you ride the vehicle, the more damage it may have. Find out where the previous owner of the bike resides, and what terrain he rode. The terrain is not the best influence on the components of the used e-bike, and more precisely on the brakes, tires, and gear shift system. A built-in speedometer will give an understanding of the miles traveled. Low mileage is preferable when choosing used bikes.

3. Has maintenance been performed?

Electric bikes require routine maintenance. This should happen at least once a year. If the seller has adhered to this rule, then the bike’s condition is good.

4. Does the used bike have any faults?

It is better to know right away if worn-out parts need to be replaced. Find out how worn parts of the bike are and if the former owner has changed anything.

5. What is the reason for selling the e-bike?

There can be several reasons why the current owner of a used e-bike wants to get rid of it. Perhaps the cyclist wants to upgrade and buy a newer model. Perhaps for some reason, he can no longer use it. But the worst-case scenario is a broken or stolen bike that the owner wants to get rid of as quickly as possible.

6. Where to fix the bike if it breaks down.

Ask your dealer if there is a repair bike shop near you that can fix your bicycle if it breaks down.

7. What to look for in a safety inspection.

If you buy a used e-bike, find out what kind of used bike it is. 

Throttle Assist or Pedal

E-bikes with a pedal assist function from the rotation of the pedals and the cyclist making this effort. The second option works by turning one of the wheels as the throttle rotates.

Which used e-bike you choose depends on your preferences. If you need health benefits and want to stay in good shape, then you need to choose among the e-bikes with a pedal assist. If you do not want to make unnecessary bodily movements, then it is ideal for you. When your goal is just to get from point A to point B, you might want to go for the hill start assist.

Important things to consider when buying a used e-bike

  1. Engine

You should know where your engine should be located. It can be in the bike’s front, middle, or rear. Engine power affects acceleration speed and battery range. Living in terrain and not planning to travel long distances, you should favor a more powerful motor. If you need more range, choose a motor with less power reserve.

  1. Space for e-bike storage

If you do not have space in the house to store the e-bike, it is better to pay attention to the folding bike.

  1. Features of use

Assuming that you will ride on different roads, you are better to choose an electric mountain bike, because it is a versatile option that will cope with both terrain and a flat surface. If you need a bike to get to work, but on the weekends you’ll take it out of town on a trip, then you should also pay attention to a hybrid-style bike.

  1. Range

Find out how much range the bike had when it was new, and then ask the salesperson how much it has been used since then. It is also a good idea to take the bike out for a test ride.

  1. Weight

You should also take into account the weight you will be loading the e-bike with. This kind of transport has some limitations in terms of weight. Therefore, it is extremely important to know how much weight your e-bike can carry. Be sure to consider the weight of the e-bike itself. If you are going to carry it upstairs, choose a light version.

Determine the condition of the battery


This is probably the hardest thing cyclists can face when buying a used electric bike. You need to know the battery’s range. This will help you figure out how long you can expect the e-bike to last.

E-bikes have serial numbers on the tube. If you don’t find them there, look at the bottom bracket frame. From this number, you can understand the age of the used e-bike and the life of the battery. You will know what kind of range the new battery had.

You should also make sure that the battery is free of major damage. If it isn’t, it could be a serious cause of ignition. Also, ask about the life of the battery, and the length of time it has been in use.

It is difficult to conclude what battery life is. That is why it is better to test the battery whenever possible. When buying a used e-bike, ask the seller if he has a key to remove the battery. If the key doesn’t turn up, we have bad news for you because the bike is likely stolen.

Remove the battery and see if there is any burning or dirt on its mount. You should also find out if the battery can be replaced and what the price of this service is. You can usually purchase the battery from the manufacturer. The battery should last for 500 charge cycles.

Check the overall condition of the electric bike

When buying a used electric bike, be sure that it is suitable for daily riding. Carefully inspect the different parts of the electric bike. This will allow you to understand how the vehicle will behave on the road in an unforeseen situation.

Pay attention to how clean the bike is. If the owner has not cleaned it before the meeting, this is a serious bell, which indicates that he did not take care of it. In that case, you should take an even closer look at the details.

Damage such as dents and rough scratches are signs of accidents. Also, take a good look at the chain. It should be free of sand and dirt. A rusty chain also indicates past accidents, and can also indicate improper maintenance and improper care. But there is a nice point here, as it will allow you to negotiate a lower price.

Inspect the spokes. They should all be in place and without damage. The wheels should not wobble. Check that the bolts and nuts are secure.

Broken electric bikes mean additional repair costs because they involve replacing expensive components. That is why it is better not to buy such electric bikes.

Take a test drive


Buying a used electric bike without a test drive is a bad idea. You should see for yourself how the components work and whether the bike suits your size, how comfortable you are in it. During the test ride, listen to the work of transport: nothing noisy, does shake and rumble? Evaluate how well the brakes work. Is the height of the frame suitable for you? Is the handlebar comfortable?

All of these points can be determined only by driving the vehicle. In addition, it is better to test drive on different surfaces: asphalt, dirt, and terrain. So it is better to arrange with the seller to give the bike for some time. This way you will have time to test it well.

What else to look for when buying a used e-bike

E-bike is made up of the same components as a traditional bike. You should check that all of these components are present and in good working order. Try to find out if any parts have been replaced. While this is a normal story for a used electric bike, the important thing is to make sure that the replacement components and repairs are done correctly.

  1. Perform a frame inspection

Carefully inspect the frame for signs of damage and various defects. If the frame is badly scratched or damaged, it may have been dropped or broken. This indicates that it will not perform as well as the frame of a new e-bike.

  1. Gears

When you do a test ride, be sure to crank all the gears and make sure the gears change smoothly.

  1. Motor

When you test-ride the electric bike, be sure to check all the settings and make sure they are functioning correctly. Listen to the sound of the motor. There should be some noise, but not too loud.

  1. Brakes

Brakes on electric bikes tend to fail quickly, but they are not hard to replace. Check the brakes as they are the most important part of an e-bike.

5. Wheels and Tires

Make sure the wheels and tires spin. Flat tires can indicate an incident in the past.

  1. Suspension

This part of the e-bike should be free of corrosion and rusty spots. Otherwise, it will indicate that the bike has not been properly cared for. Most importantly, be sure to do a test ride and make sure that the electric bike is in good working order and good condition. When buying a used e-bike in local bike shops, you can return it if it does not fit you. Negotiate a reasonable price with the seller. You can even do this in the Facebook marketplace. A serious reason for lowering the purchase price may be the need to replace the battery.

Final thoughts about how to buy a used e-bike

Without having any idea how electric bikes function, you run the risk of getting a bad deal. Therefore, the smartest thing to do in such a case would be to contact a professional who specializes in electric bikes.

To be on the safe side, ideally, you should buy a relatively new e-bike with a valid warranty.

The condition of electric bikes can be judged by the mileage and the overall condition of the vehicle. Errors in these factors can be a serious reason to lower the price.

Most sellers are open to constructive negotiations, so you can start with an offer lower than the price you expect. Remember that even used e-bikes cannot be too cheap. Avoid taking ill-considered risks that could disappoint you later on. The prudent buyer beware of buying an electric bike with an undervalued price tag because it must be justified by something. If it is underpriced, it usually means that the bike is not in good condition.


What is the lifespan of an electric bike?

The service life of e-bikes is approximately 10 years. This may be less or even more. It all depends on how you handle it. When buying a used e-bike, ask the seller about the mileage and service life. Remember that even with good care, over time some parts of the bike will fail and need to be replaced.

How long will an electric bike battery last before needing to be replaced?

With proper care, the battery typically has a service life of three to five years or 500 charge cycles. Even in their passive state, lithium e-bike batteries tend to lose capacity. To extend battery life, charge and operate the battery properly.

Read more about How long do electric bike batteries last?

 What is the high mileage for an eBike?

An electric bike is designed for about 2,000 to 3,000 miles of use. It all depends on how you use and handle the bike.

 Can you replace the battery on an electric bike?

Replacement batteries are easy as long as you follow the principles of proper replacement. There is no need to buy a new e-bike just because the battery has failed or is damaged.

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