Can you bring a bicycle on a plane: important tips and advice

Many people think that flying with a bike is quite difficult. However, if you think over all the rules of flying with a bike in advance, then nothing bad will happen. It is extremely important to find the right packaging and pay the airline fees.

can you bring a bicycle on a plane

The possibility of traveling by flying with a bike

Quite often, people wonder, can they bring a bicycle on a plane? Flying with a bike is acceptable on most airlines that operate at the moment. Many airlines allow you to take a variety of equipment on board, and bicycles are included in the allowance.

You must have checked luggage. Therefore, it is better to think about booking bicycles in advance. It is only better to study the luggage allowance in advance, as the rules may change, depending on the company.

It is necessary to properly pack your bike so that it is allowed on board and placed in the luggage compartment.

That is, you first need to disassemble the bike and pack it in the appropriate packaging. If you are planning to flying with a bike, it is recommended that you check with the carrier which packages are acceptable.

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Basic rules for flying with a bike

If your plans include a flight with a bicycle, you should go to the company’s website in advance and familiarize yourself with the basic rules for transporting equipment, in particular bicycles. Try to double-check the information every day, especially on the day of departure. After all, the rules can change from time to time.

Almost all companies have a separate page on the website called “Sports Equipment”. Often, it is in this section that clear requirements are prescribed for the transportation of any overall equipment, in particular, bicycles.

Some companies require customers to pay for a bike. However, some companies do not require payment. Only excess baggage charges are required. That is, you have to pay in cases where the luggage is heavy.

Some companies have written requirements regarding the presence of a protective bike bag. That is, you must properly pack the bike. It is important to familiarize yourself with the luggage allowance so that you do not have to change your ticket later, or even lose money for it.

If the site does not have a bicycle luggage allowance, additional charges apply. It is possible that you have to pay fees for excess baggage charges. In simple words, this is an advantage.

It is best to print out the rules that apply to the airline so that you always have them with you. If there are any problems when boarding an aircraft, you can dispute all remarks if they are contrary to the rules of flying with a bike.

Some airlines require prior contact with them for the customer to make a bike reservation. So, you are sure that the bike definitely gets on board and travels with you.

Bicycle flight cost

  • You need to understand that only approximate prices for transporting bicycles can be prescribed in the baggage allowance. Low-cost companies require the customer to pay for the carriage of luggage. However, some airlines provide free luggage allowance.
  • This means that the bicycle is considered a normal baggage allowance, and you do not have to pay anything extra. If the luggage allowance states that you have to pay for the transportation of a bicycle, then the cost is $50-300.
  • Try to check your allowance beforehand so that you know exactly what the maximum weight you can carry onboard is. If your bike exceeds the maximum weight allowed in the allowance, you have to pay extra for the transportation of equipment.
  • The commission is often charged if the weight of the luggage exceeds 50.7 lb. On average, a typical touring bike weighs about 22 lb. Therefore, the chances are low that you have to pay an additional commission. To fit into the allowance, you can disassemble the bike so that it fits the dimensions.
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Which airline to choose to flying with a bicycle?

Several popular airlines allow bicycles. Most often, people prefer traveling on British Airways and American Airlines. These firms operate on a standard luggage allowance, so you only have to pay the excess baggage fee. All firms operate based on their own rules.

Air Canada

If you are planning to travel by bike with this airline, you have to pay about $50 for a bike. The weight of the equipment for the sport must not exceed 70.5 lb. The box must have dimensions of no more than 114.1 inches.

You have to take care of booking a bike.

It is also better to pack it in advance in a dense bicycle bag. You can buy it at any shop for bikes. The bicycle bag should not contain anything other than a bicycle.

American Airlines

The airline does not require payment for the carriage of a bicycle. You have to pay a commission only if you have exceeded the allowable weight and size of the luggage. On average, overweight baggage fees are charged if the bike box weighs more than 50.7 lb.

The size of the bike box should be no more than 39.37 inches. If you exceed the prescribed norms, you have to pay about $150.

British Airlines

If you plan to travel by bike with this airline, you do not have to pay for luggage. The dimensions of the box in which the equipment is packed should be about 74.8×27.50×23.6 inches. It is better to take care of booking a place for a bicycle in advance.

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How to pack a bike properly?

If you are planning to flying with a bicycle, you need to properly pack your sporting equipment. You can use special bike boxes, CTC plastic bags, or bike bags.

To prevent property damage, the packaging of bicycles must be treated responsibly. Measure the dimensions of your bike and choose the right package. This is the only way to avoid scratches and cracks on the coating.

Flying with a bike: packaging options

As already mentioned, there are basically three options for transporting your bike on an airplane: bike cartons, CTC bags, and special bike bags for bikes. All packages can be found in bike shops.

You need to look at different options to find the best one for you. Take care of this issue in advance, so you can take your time to consider all the offers from stores and choose the best one for yourself.

Special carton box

  • You can pack your bike in a cardboard box, which is sold in a bike shop. Some sellers even provide a cardboard box when buying equipment for free. The cardboard box has a rigid structure and must fit the size of the bike.
  • If you have prepared cardboard bike boxes, then you should disassemble them to pack the vehicle. The only way to fit a bike in a bike box is to remove the pedals and front wheel. You also have to remove the handlebar, which is fixed to the frame.
  • It is quite common for boxes to get damaged during transit. Therefore, the pedals also need to be secured with adhesive tape to the main structure so that they do not get lost. As you know, a cardboard box is very fragile, especially if it is placed in a common place for luggage.
  • For the bicycle box to retain its shape, it is better to additionally wrap it with tape. This creates an extra protective layer on the bike boxes, so nothing can deform them. Bicycle boxes are considered a fairly simple and common method of transporting a bicycle.
  • As mentioned, cardboard bike boxes are available, or even free. Therefore, upon arrival at the site, you can dispose of the cardboard bike box at the nearest point. This is the best solution if you care about the environment.
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Bicycle bag application

If you decide to forego a cardboard bike box, you can use a bike bag. This is a great reusable option that does not take up much space. You can use the same bike bag for several years, which saves money.

The bike bag is made from heavy-duty polyethylene and was designed specifically for bikes. The main benefit of using a bike bag is that you don’t have to dismantle the vehicle. It is enough to deflate the tires and remove the pedals.

The wheels do not need to be removed to place the vehicle in a bike bag.

Bicycle bags are made of transparent material, so the airport staff carries them carefully. CTC bike bags are unable to resist deformation. That is why it is better to strengthen the bike with foam so that it does not get damaged.

The use of bicycle bags is not always relevant. Some airlines do not accept them. Therefore, it is better to study all the features and rules in advance to avoid conflict when registering for a flight. The cost of a bicycle bag is only $10.

Hard case

You can carry your bike if you use a hard case. It prevents damage to the bike. Hard cases can be used when flying with any airline.

Of the minuses, it should be noted that the cost of hard cases is quite high. Also, there is not always a place on board to put such a large bag. However, when using a hard case, it is not necessary to use bags.

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How to disassemble and pack a bike?

If you are planning to flying on a bicycle, you need to pack it properly. Most customers prefer to use cardboard boxes. To pack the bike, you first need to disassemble it. For this, special instruction is provided:

  1. Prepare the necessary tools. This applies to hex keys, pedal wrenches, packing tape, and foam tubes.
  2. Remove the pedals first. To do this, use a special key. To remove the right pedal, turn the bolts counterclockwise. In the case of the left pedal, the opposite is true.
  3. Once you remove the pedals, you need to remove the front wheel. Don’t forget to deflate your tires.
  4. The next step is to lower the saddle. Don’t forget to remove the handlebar. If possible, you can simply turn part of the bike inward.
  5. Next, you need to do the removal the switch. It needs to be fixed in a safe place. To do this, you can use ordinary tape.
  6. After that, close the structure with foam. Pay special attention to the frame, handlebars, and tube.

Can the bike bag be used to carry other luggage?

Almost all airlines claim that special bags are used only for transporting bicycles. However, such suitcases are rarely checked. Therefore, some airline customers put other equipment in their bags.

Make sure the weight is correct. This prevents problems during check-in. Also, you don’t have to pay any additional fees. You can also pack a bike in the bag. If its weight is insignificant, then other equipment can also be placed in the bag.

Booking a flight with a bike

Before booking a bike flight, you need to check the rules for transporting oversized sports equipment. The booking instructions may vary depending on the airline.

If you plan to travel with a bicycle in your luggage, you need to notify the airline. When booking, you can save on the commission bike fee. If you do not notify the company about traveling with a bicycle in your luggage, then you have to pay much more when registering.

Bicycle safety during flight

If you read articles on the Internet, many refuse to flying with a bicycle. Many argue that sporting equipment is often damaged due to irresponsible airline employees.

However, situations, where the bike is damaged, are rare.

The most important thing is to properly pack the vehicle. If you’re worried about damage, then try to fill the box with quality protection and padding. This prevents damage to expensive luggage.

Aircraft bike maximum weight

As already mentioned, each airline has clear restrictions regarding the weight and size of the bike package. On average, the indicators vary from 50.7 to 66 lb. Allowable weight may vary, depending on several factors, including:

  • ticket class;
  • operating rules of the airline;
  • the level of the loyalty program;
  • destination.

If the weight of the box exceeds 66 lb, most airlines require additional fees.

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When it comes to traveling by plane with a bike, many questions can be asked. I understand your concern because you do not know how to behave, especially if you are traveling like this for the first time.

That is why I want to answer your questions more often to dispel all doubts, and you do not worry before the trip. The tour must bring you pleasure and pleasant, unforgettable impressions.

How much does it cost to bring a bike on a plane?

Almost all airlines allow you to transport a bicycle on an airplane for free. That is, you can check in the bike as luggage, and pay nothing extra. If you exceed the maximum allowable weight of the box, you have to pay an additional charge of about $40-350.

What is the best way to transport a bike on a plane?

Bicycles fall into the “large equipment for sport” category. That is, as soon as you disassemble and pack the bike in a box, you can’t put anything else inside. Bicycle registration must be carried out a day or more before the flight.

You should also pack your bike in a special case or bag. If the baggage weighs a lot, then, as already mentioned, you have to pay an extra fee of about $50.

How do I travel with my bike?

If you want to travel with your bike, then the airlines do not prohibit it. Almost all of them have clear rules for the carriage of such baggage. Therefore, it is better to familiarize yourself with them in advance to avoid problems.


As you can see, it is possible flying with a bicycle in the luggage. However, you need to adhere to the airline’s rules regarding the packaging and transportation of equipment for sports. If you familiarize yourself with the rules for transporting a bicycle in advance, you can save on paying a commission for overweight.

I hope that my advice is very useful for you and that you have found all the answers to your questions in my article. If you still have questions, you can write them in the comments and I will definitely answer them with my readers. Do not stop in front of difficulties, but solve them as quickly as possible. Have a good trip.

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